Former Unison rep and still a Unison member, Angela Rayner is the Deputy Prime Minister and is championing workers rights at every opportunity. Whether it be abolishing the anti trade union laws, or in this instance, bringing in legislation for workers to have the right to demand a 4 day week., you can count on Angela to continue to deliver for Unison members.
Legislation is currently being drafted (announced 29 Aug) and is expected to go to Parliament in mid-October. The legislation it seems does not stop at 4 day weeks, but also includes options such as term-time only and other practices, designed to support parents in work and also manage child care at the same time.
Unison has been at the forefront of campaigns when it come to a 4 day week. Cambridge and South Cambs Branch saw its introduction at South Cambs District Council several years back. Despite Tory pressure and multiple campaigns against its continuation. There Chief Exec; Liz Watts, has remained solid in her support and braved the challenges from many opponents.
At SCDC the results are clear to see, and they are ones which CCC need to learn from. Unison Cambridgeshire has lobbied our Leadership Team on several occasions for the 4 day week option to be introduced at the County. Each time the request has been met with a resounding NO.
It would seem that the benefits a 4 day week bring, reduced sickness levels, high moral, increased productivity, increased retention, up 40% and more people wanting to join South Cambs than ever before. Why do these results not resonate at a County level.
As more employers are recognising the benefits and introducing or looking at a 4 day week option, the question has to be asked, why are we not learning from our neighbours and doing likewise.
Get the full story Making the case for a four-day working week | LRD
